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Are Electronic Signatures Legally Binding in Australia?

In most cases, the use of electronic signatures is legally binding in Australia. However, there are some important exceptions that you should be aware of.

Certain documents still require the use of “wet ink” signatures, though, new technologies and the need for e-signatures during the pandemic mean e-signatures are here to stay. It’s important to understand the law surrounding the use of electronic signatures.

This article, by our contract lawyer, explains when and how electronic signatures can be legally binding in Australia.

Key takeaways

  • In most instances, electronic signatures are legally binding in Australia
  • New laws were introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and those laws were kept in place to ensure that electronic signatures remain legally binding (in most cases)
  • Procedures must be followed to ensure that an electronic signature is legally enforceable
are electronic signatures legally binding

Electronic Signatures

A signature demonstrates a person’s intention to be bound by the terms of an agreement. This is a key element of both a legally binding contract and a deed.

Typically, an e-signature is one that is applied electronically (such as by mobile, laptop etc). We generally see electronic signatures used by a person:

  • typing their name in a word document
  • using an image of their physical signature
  • using e-signature software (such as DocuSign or Adobe Sign)
  • signing a digital copy of a document with a stylus or finger on a touchscreen
  • using another form of biometric identification

Defining what a signature is has been the subject of great legal debate. In Legal Services Board v Forster, the court accepted an argument that:

“A signature is not necessarily the writing in of a name, but may be any mark which identifies it as the act of the party”

What is a digital signature?

Another way to sign a document electronically is to “digitally” sign with public key infrastructure. This method involves the use of a cryptography platform, such as DocuSign, in verifying the signor’s digital identity.

Public key infrastructure works by producing a “public key”, which is a randomly selected set of numbers that encrypts a document, and a “private key”.

The private key is also comprised of randomly selected numbers which are then used by the recipient to decrypt a document.

To ensure that the parties can identify one another:


    • The private key is only made available to the signor.

    • The signor can verify the sender’s identity by confirming with an independent third sense “certificate authority”  that the public key belongs to the purported sender.

These types of electronic signature currently satisfy the legal requirements surrounding electronic signatures. In turn, they provide legal validity to electronically signed contracts and deeds.

Are electronic signatures legal in every State and Territory?

The legal framework for electronic signatures in Australia is primarily governed by the Electronic Transactions Act 1999. This is a federal law, which provides a consistent legal foundation for electronic signatures throughout Australia.

Under this law, electronic signatures are generally considered equivalent to handwritten signatures (in most cases). As such, electronic documents are generally considered legally enforceable.

However, it’s important to note that there may be specific requirements and regulations that vary by State or Territory in Australia. These state-based requirements can vary in certain situations or for specific types of documents.

Enforceability of electronic signatures in Queensland

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Queensland government enacted temporary legislation that recognised electronic signatures as being legally binding.

Queensland has now enacted permanent legislation making electronic signatures legally binding.

The Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2021 (Qld) commenced on 30 April 2022.

The Act amends the:


    • Oaths Act 1867 (Qld), so that statutory declarations can be legally signed using electronic signatures

Traditional methods of execution (i.e. wet ink signing) are not affected by these changes and can continue. However, certain documents may now also be validly signed using electronic means.

To achieve this, each updated Act now contains a definition of “Accepted Method.” To conform to an “Accepted Method,” a method of electronic execution must:


    • identify the signatory, and their intention concerning the document;

    • be “as reliable as appropriate” for the circumstances or purpose of the document; and

    • where relevant, be consented to by all other signatories to the document (consent can be express or implied).

Businesses have traditionally satisfied these legal requirements for both contracts and deeds by appropriately drafting the documents and requiring customers to execute hardcopies.

For companies that extend credit to a large number of customers, the volume of paperwork can be difficult to manage, costly and administratively time-consuming.

Technology has rapidly evolved to offer solutions that reduce the administrative burden, improve efficiency and fasten the pace at which business transactions take place. In particular, electronic signatures play an increasingly important role in commercial agreements.

Electronic signatures

Electronic signatures for Deeds in Queensland

A deed can now be signed by electronic means using an “Accepted Method” in Queensland. This overrides the previous common law requirement for deeds to be signed in physical form and “sealed”.

Further, in QLD, a deed signed by an individual no longer needs to be signed in the presence of a witness.

Corporations may sign deeds electronically in line with standard execution protocols consistent with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

A document may be signed in counterpart, as long as each counterpart is a complete copy of the document.

Remember – These requirements differ in each state and territory. If you have questions about how to sign a deed electronically, reach out to our contract lawyers to learn more.

Electronic signatures for Statutory Declarations in Queensland

In Queensland, where a declaration is signed electronically, it must be witnessed by a “special witness” (such as an Australian legal practitioner, notary public or other prescribed person).

The document may be signed electronically in the presence of the witness or witnessed remotely over an audio-visual link.

There are important additional procedural requirements for the electronic signing of declarations, including that:

  • must contain a statement that it was made and/or signed in electronic form, as applicable.
  • the witness must take reasonable steps to confirm the name and identity of the signatory
  • the witness must include their full name, status as a “special witness”, their qualification and place of employment where applicable

If the document is signed via an audio-visual link, the special witness must also:

  • observe the signatory and direct the substitute signatory to sign the document (if applicable).
  • satisfy themselves in “real-time” that the document is signed by the signatory (or substitute signatory)
  • satisfy themselves that the signatory is signing (or directing the substitute signatory) freely and voluntarily
  • confirm the document as soon as practicable after witnessing it
  • give the document, or a true copy or counterpart of it, to the signatory or a relevant person.

Frequently Asked Questions

What documents can be signed electronically?

The following types of documents can generally be electronically signed:

In some instances, a wet ink or hard copy signature is required. For these documents, electronic signatures may not be accepted.

This will depend on which state the document is governed by or being executed in, but documents that are generally unable to be e-signed include:

  • Documents that must be served personally
  • Documents that must be notarized in person
  • Deeds

This also depends on which state the document is governed by or being executed in.

Some witnesses need to be physically present at the time the document is signed by the signatory. 

For an electronic signature to be valid, three elements must be met. These include that the electronic signing of the document or form:

  1. identifies the signatory, and their intention concerning the document

  2. be “as reliable as appropriate” for the circumstances or purpose of the document

  3. where relevant, be consented to by all other signatories to the document (consent can be express or implied)

About the Author

Farrah Motley
Director of Prosper Law. Farrah founded Prosper online law firm in 2021. She wanted to create a better way of doing legal work and a better experience for customers of legal services.

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